Tandra Melville

Administrative Associate

Meet Tandra

Tandra Melville is an Administrative Associate based in Spokane, Washington.

Tandra is an experienced administrative associate whose friendly demeanor and exceptional multitasking abilities make her a perfect fit for her role. Her dedication to providing efficient and organized support ensures that daily operations run smoothly and effectively.

Prior to joining our team, Tandra gained her skills in the nonprofit fund development sector and in residential property management. Her diverse professional background enables her to excel and bring valuable experience to our team.

Outside of work, Tandra is an avid gardener with a summer vegetable garden and many indoor houseplants. She enjoys being in nature, spending time with her adult children and grandchildren as well as playing video games.

Fortis Financial Partners

221 W Main Ave Suite 200
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 931-8420